Cash Flow Analysis Seminar - Louisville
If you are not a KBA member, please contact Jamie Hampton at or 502-736-1278 for the possibility of attending at a non-member rate.
Seminar 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time. Registration begins after 8:30 a.m.
Understanding how to calculate and interpret cash flow is essential for successful bankers and credit analysts. After all, it is not income that repays loans, it is cash. Therefore, bankers must understand the difference between income and cash and be able to convert income into cash. That conversion process is called Cash Flow Analysis.
This course is designed to assist bankers in calculating cash flow utilizing the Uniform or Universal Cash Flow Analysis method (UCA), which is often used by bankers to determine the flow of cash into and out of a business entity. Another purpose of this course is to compare the UCA method with the Indirect Cash Flow method, (which is often utilized by accountants in preparing the Statement of Cash Flows as part of a set of financial statements) and the Traditional and EBITDA Methods.
The course will begin by examining the differences between an Accrual Basis and Cash Basis financial statement then proceed to examining the key accounts on the balance sheet and income statement and how these accounts are utilized to determine the source of cash and how the cash was spent. The course will also demonstrate how to determine if cash is generated from Operating, Investing and Financing activities, which are the primary activities that can generate or utilize large amounts of cash.
Upon completion of this course, the participant will have a good understanding of how cash flow is calculated and more importantly, how to interpret its meaning. Specific areas that will be covered include:
- The advantages and disadvantages of Accrual and Cash Basis financial statements
- Review of the Rules of Cash Flow which is essential in determining how much cash is generated from items on the balance sheet
- Comparison of the UCA method of calculating cash flow to the less effective traditional method of determining cash flow
- A Fast Cash Analysis method which can get you to the same results in less time
- Forecasting cash flow based upon historical performance, ratio analysis and management's assumptions
Who Should Attend
Senior Loan Officers, Senior Credit Officers, Commercial Loan Officers, Branch Managers, Credit Analyst, Loan Review Personnel, Consumer Loan Officers who also serves business entities.
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