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To ensure confidentiality of your bank's information, please use your bank's ID number when completing the online survey.  Institution CEOs and a designated HR contact have been emailed their bank's confidential identification number. If you do not have your number, please contact Selina Parrish at the KBA at (502) 736-1282 or via email at to obtain your ID number.

The survey is designed to capture pay and benefits data on all positions at your organization.  We are soliciting responses from all members and will break down the results by asset size so that those who participate may obtain "difficult to find" local pay data for a variety of positions.

We know this data can be hard to pull together, but that is why this industry information and our survey is needed and why the data is not readily available elsewhere.  If you invest the time to complete the personnel survey, then what you provide, as well as the data your peers furnish, should present you with some truly unique information that not only should prove valuable for your bank's future planning, but complete enough to give you rare insight as to how competitive your pay and benefits package is in your asset size and geographic area.

Return Completed Surveys by June 1 and receive a free copy for participating.

You will find the links below for Parts I and II of the survey.  Both sections must be completed to qualify for a FREE copy of the Results report. 

There is also a link for Holding Company information if application to your institution. If you are a multi-bank holding company and have more than one bank to enter information for, please contact Selina Parrish via email or direct (502) 736-1282 for special links to complete your surveys.

Online Survey Links
We will ask for a contact name before the survey is submitted electronically. This will help with distribution of the compiled results of the survey.  In order to keep this information confidential, please put your first and last name only in this field.

The electronic version cannot be printed after completion. To retain a hard copy for your records, you will need download the fillable worksheets below. Next complete the worksheets, saving your responses within the fillable worksheet. Then send your completed worksheets to the KBA office no later than June 15.

Fillable Worksheets - for paper submission
Tip: to save, right-click each links below and save, then complete.
Worksheets - Part 1
Worksheets - Part 2
Worksheets - Part 3 (Hold Company if applicable)
Position Descriptions

KBA members who do not submit completed electronic or paper worksheets may purchase the standard report at a cost of $350 for a PDF version or $400 for a paper copy (plus sales tax and shipping).