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"Soft Pull" Of Credit Reports Being Part Of The Prequalification Process

We would like to start utilizing a "soft pull" of credit reports as part of the prequalification process. What do we need to be aware of with this practice?

Money-Laundering Implications Concerns and Hemp-Related Business Customers

With the bank getting more and more hemp-related businesses as customers, should we be worried about money-laundering implications if any of these businesses are in a state where marijuana-related activity is legal, but are transferring it to our bank - where it is not?

Revocable vs An Irrevocable Trust

What are some of the differences between a revocable and an irrevocable trust?

Closing an Account With Social Security Benefits

We are going to be closing an account that receives social security benefits – are there any timeline considerations to keep in mind??

Final Rule Amending 12 CFR part 328 And Teller Window Signage

Under the final rule amending 12 CFR part 328, are we permitted to use a sign at a teller window that doesn’t have the gold background?

Commercial Transactions and Reconsideration of Value

Does the recently issued Reconsideration of Value (ROV) guidance apply to commercial transactions?

Prospective Employee With Past Marijuana Possession Charges

We have a prospective employee who was charged with possession of marijuana years ago. Does Section 19 of the FDI Act prevent them from being assigned an NMLS number??