RECORDING HMDA Lessons Learned Virtual
If you are not a KBA member, please contact Jamie Hampton at for the possibility of attending at a non-member rate.
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Program is via Zoom. You will receive Zoom link information the afternoon before the program and the morning of the program.
HMDA data collection and reporting continue to make the list of common violations at financial institutions, primarily because of the amount of information required to be reported, limited tolerance for errors, and issues related to the data collection process. When examining financial institutions, federal supervisory agencies with HMDA supervisory authority generally verify the accuracy of HMDA data within a sample of reported transactions, and if examiners find that the number of errors in the sample exceeds certain thresholds, an institution will be directed to correct and resubmit its HMDA data.
The stakes are high during regulatory examinations with the threat of civil money penalties for HMDA reporting errors. Discrepancies in reporting can also create a significant impact to a bank’s fair lending risk profile if data points are reported with errors. In this session, Brad Washburn, President of Steve H. Powell & Company will review the common pitfalls and best practices noted in recent audits and examinations relative to gathering and reporting data under current HMDA rules.
This presentation would be beneficial for anyone with HMDA responsibilities, including loan officers, loan operations, compliance, audit staff and anyone else responsible for HMDA information gathering, documentation, reporting, and/or review of HMDA data.
If you are not a KBA member, please contact Jamie Hampton at for the possibility of attending at a non-member rate.
Registration is closed.