If you are not a KBA member, please contact Jamie Hampton at jhampton@kybanks.com for the possibility of attending at a non-member rate.
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Program is via Zoom. You will receive Zoom link information the afternoon before the program and the morning of the program.
Regardless of which federal regulator you answer to, consumer harm has become a major focal point for regulatory compliance examinations. Rules related to Unfair, Abusive, or Deceptive Acts or Practices (UDAAP) are complex and regulatory expectations and guidance have been rapidly increasing over recent years. UDAAP rules apply to consumer and commercial banking products, services and related practices so it is mission critical to understand the risks and avoid prohibited acts or practices in the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.
Patterns and practices of UDAAP violations can result in the reduced regulatory rating, reputational risk, assessment of civil money penalties and significant restitution to customers. In this session, Brad Washburn, President of Steve H. Powell & Company will provide a deep dive into the UDAAP rules and guidance, including but not limited to the following areas:
• UDAAP laws and regulations
• Regulatory expectations for UDAAP compliance programs
• UDAAP risk areas and components
o Consumer complaint programs
o Marketing
o Disclosures and contracts
o Lending and servicing
o Third party vendors
o Deposit accounts and related services
o Add-on products and services
• Types and examples of UDAAP issues
• Lessons learned from recent enforcement actions and updated regulatory guidance
• UDAAP hot topics, including those related to overdraft programs, junk fees, Regulation E related practices, and more
• Best practices and recommendations for a successful UDAAP compliance program
Understanding UDAAP is an essential knowledge base for the board of directors, bank management, and staff. This presentation would be beneficial for board members, senior management, lending personnel, deposit personnel, operations staff, marketing staff, vendor management personnel, customer service, compliance, audit staff and anyone else with customer-facing or product development responsibilities.