KBA Products & Services

No Hat, No Hood, No Sunglasses


The “No Hats, No Hoods, No Sunglasses” Robbery Prevention Program is a partnering service with FRAUD-NET.com, the crime-fighting database that allows you to report and exchange information about fraud and robbery.

By removing hats, hoods, caps and sunglasses, consumers make it easier for staff and law enforcement to identify any would-be robbers who often use these items as a disguise. This dress code effort sends a message to criminals that they can’t walk into a Kentucky bank wearing a disguise without being noticed. In addition to helping prevent robbery, this new security program will help reduce fraud and identity theft. Door static stickers, tent cards, and statement stuffers are available below to help explain the program to bank customers.

Door Decal

Statement Stuffer

Table Tent

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KBA Member Order Form
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Provided by


Mrs. Selina O. Parrish
Selina O. Parrish
Director of Membership
Kentucky Bankers Association
(502) 736-1282
email Selina