KBA Products & Services

Financial Institutions Directory (Kentucky)


The KBA is excited to provide you with a PRINTED 2024 Kentucky Financial Institutions Directory with reliable information about the state’s depository institutions. The 2024 directory has the most current Kentucky financial institution information, including every depository institution and branch in the state, listed by city. The handy size (4½” x 9”) is a valuable resource for bankers, bank directors and vendors. Bank staff will use the directory for essential tasks such as verifying funds transfer information, finding peer contacts, staying up-to-date on competitors, and looking up office hours. Information listed for each institution includes the following: Charter/institution type; Institution name changes; Principal correspondents; Key officer contacts; Board of Directors; Fed telegraph name; Funds processing/transfer information; Location and number of branches; Year established; Financial information as of 12/31/2023; Association membership; Holding company name and city; Street, mailing address; Head office banking hours; and more.

Delivery of the directory is scheduled for July 2024.

KBA MEMBER BANKS: $80/per directory
KBA ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: $160/per directory

To Order
Provided by


Mrs. Selina O. Parrish
Selina O. Parrish
Director of Membership
Kentucky Bankers Association
(502) 736-1282
email Selina